Turn Structure

Draw Ready Main End
Take each turn with the following Steps:
Draw a Gate from your Deck, unless it's the first turn of the Game.
Ready each of your Gates on the field.
Take as many of the following actions, in any order, that you'd like:
Open a Gate from your Hand or Spirit Deck.
Use one of your Gates' Skills.
Take an Attack or Move Action with one of your Gates.
End your turn. Ending the turn starts one Sequence.
After this Sequence finishes resolving​​​, you must discard until you have
no more than 6 Gates in your hand.
After these 4 Steps, start your opponent's turn!
When To Use Gates and Skills

Normal Gates and Skills can be opened during the Main step of your turn, when no other Gates are being opened, and no other effects are being used.
You can use as many of these as you like during each turn - you can use them all, or use none of them.

Fast Gates and Skills can also be opened during the Main step of your turn, when no other Gates are being opened, and no other effects are being used. They can also be used during the End Step, as ending a turn starts a Sequence.
You can also use them in response to any other Gate being Opened, or any other Skill being used. See Sequences for more on how to respond to Gates and Skills.
The Sequence System is very similar to the Stack or Chain Links from other TCGs.
You can use as many of these as you like during each turn - you can use them all, or use none of them.

Summon Gates are opened in the same way as Normal Gates, and can be opened at all of the same times - however, after resolving them, they stay on the field until they receive damage. See Skills & Actions for more information on this.
You can use as many of these as you like during each turn - you can Open them all, or Open none of them, as long as there are empty Zones for them to occupy.

Spirit Gates are opened in the same way as Summon Gates, but rather than Opening them from your hand, you open them from your Spirit Deck - a separate deck where they start. These often have strict and situational Open Costs.
You can use as many of these as you like during each turn - you can Open them all, or Open none of them, as long as there are empty Zones for them to occupy.

Entrant Gates start on the field, and each Deck has only 1.
As your Entrant represents you, it has 20 Life, and you lose when its Life reaches 0.
These are never Opened from anywhere and cannot leave the field.