Opening Gates
Opening a Gate means Playing a Card from your hand.
Gates are always Opened in the same way, and you can only Open a Gate from your hand.
If you cannot take these 2 actions in order, you cannot attempt to Open that Gate.
Place the Gate you're opening into an empty Zone that borders any of your face-up Readied Gates
already on the field.-
Bordering zones share a full border, as shown below.
Gates are always opened Rested, or turned to the right, as shown below.
Pay any Open Costs on that Gate's Open Effect.
If a Gate has no Open Effect or cost, it won't have any effect boxes at the top of it at all.
This Gate is Ready, and this Gate is Resting.

In this example, this is the only Zone you could open a Gate in.

In this example, you can open Gates in both of these zones.

In this example, you cannot open a Gate at all, until your Entrant Readies at the start of your next turn.
Now that you've paid the Cost of the Gate, and placed it in a Zone, your Opponent has a chance to Respond to it.
The back and forth of Opening Gates is called a Sequence - see the Sequences page for more.
For now, let's say both players have no Gates or Effects to add to this Sequence.
At this point, resolve the Open Effect of the Gate. Once you do, you've finished Opening the Gate!
After a Normal or Fast Gate finishes resolving its Open Effect, discard it.
After a Summon Gate finishes resolving its Open Effect, it remains Rested on the field.
Example 1: Opening Punch
In the example below, your opponent has a Basic Slime 1 Zone away from your Entrant, and you have a First Form - Punch.

Using Punch, you can attack your Opponent's Wandering Lion, even though it's outside of your Entrant's range!
Punch can Target any zone bordering your Gate - which includes itself.
By Opening it between you and the Lion, you can target the Lion's zone.
Once it resolves, the Lion will be dealt 3 Damage - discarding it immediately.
After resolving Punch, as it is a Normal Gate, it is also discarded,
creating the final board state below:

Example 2: Opening Hunting Eagle
In the example below, you've Opened Eagle as shown below:

Eagle's Open Effect has no cost, so it only needs to be placed into an empty zone bordering your Ready Gate.
Once you do and it resolves, its Open Effect Readies it!
After this, as it is a Summon, it remains in play and can use its effect or take actions already.